Okay hi peeps! Been a long time tak menulis kat sini huh? Hehe. Okay, so yeah today i want to share some story here.
Here i want to share my experience working with someone with the title of Hajj and Hajah. Lulz. They don't deserve to be called so. As we know previously i worked with Chinese and 90% of my department wasn't Malay. But i'm happy working there. I resign just because on that time i got offer from UIA. Tapi bukan rezeki kan.
Back to the story. I started working there on Dec 2016. At first everything went well. Yeah everything looks so well because i started with a seminar for a week. In the early month i tried to adapt with the environment and i manage to do that. But around on March, i saw a bad culture in my workplace. Yeah backbite.
Honestly, if someone make a mistake, pls go to that person and tell him/her. Not spreading a bad story about that person. Kau ingat dengan mengumpat kau boleh improve la orang tu? Alaa bodoh betul.
Second thing is both of them are the real slander! Yeah both of them ada penjilat tegar. These three ni memang penjilat tegar gila babi la and yes sumpah munafik gila. Depan baik gila tapi belakang gila babi punya kutuk. Hahaha.
Alright i want to share one of the cases happened. Actually those slander got 2 branches. All the victims worked at the 1st branch. So those slander and their 3 dogs spew nonsense at us (the 2nd branch worker). They told us all bad things about workers in the 1st branch. The funny part, they did the same thing to us too. They badmouthing about us to the other workers. Stupid enough right? Kau kata budak-budak tu keluar lepak sampai 2-3 pagi bagai padahal bebudak tu keluar pergi beli barang untuk kerja which is untuk kau jugak la setannn!
Enough pasal tu, now i want to share our journey when we decided to resign hahaha. Let me start with F. Honestly F's reason quite not reasonable for me. But nvm la. Teruk la si F ni kena psycho dengan those dickhead tu. But lastly those bastards told me si F tu kena fired! 2nd case about M. She went back to hometown bcs of her relative passed away then those dickhead tu tak approve cuti dia and her parents argue about that then triggered la haji hajah tu. keh keh keh.
Next, about A and S. Both of them got government offer, so apa lagi mengamuk la dua ekor tu. Hahahaha. So literally all of us kena sue if nk berhenti. Hahahaha. Honestly tak worth kerja kat situ. Gaji kau semua habis kat dorang je balik. Working hour macam palat. Job scope lagi la weh macam hanjeng. Kerja macam kuli batak tapi gaji macam apa je. Kalau 2,500 dikira miskin bandar, kau rasa aku yg gaji 1,098 ni dah dikira fakir miskin aku rasa.
Case aku hospitalised tu lagi la. Ayat dia " *&%$ datang sbb nak tgk kwn kat bla bla tu yang singgah sekejap". Fuck! if your friend wasnt here, you wont come and visit me laaa? Besides, on that time my family who went looking for them just to inform this and that but none of them contact me to ask if i'm okay or not. So part welfare memang out! I know not all islamic instituation teruk macam ni but for me lesson learnt la jangan ingat yg bertitle Hajah Haji ni always baik la. Dorang ni sentiasa rasa dorang ni betul. Funny!